Monday, June 16, 2014

Liza is rethinking about leaving earth

It turns out even the close proximity of light makes me space sick. So I'm rethinking the desire to travel out in space.

Watch this film trying to show how we would perceive speeds near the speed of light. 

But be warned, I think it damaged my brain. I feel sea sick and my eyes are having trouble focusing now.

Why, oh, why did NASA make such a video?

Here's the link if you don't trust me:

My brain is still reeling from watching this. Don't watch unless you are comfortable with shifting realities. I thought I was, but I was  wrong... terribly wrong.

If you are lucky, they will have removed the video before you get to it.

Here is something peaceful and unmoving to ease you back into normal life:


  1. Wow! Thanks for sharing the link. High function @ these speeds would be WAY more problematic than it is @ say, Mach 3+!

    1. Yeah, I had no idea speed of light would be so difficult. Never suffered any of this on Star Trek.

  2. Meh. They'd put you in stasis before the wierd stuff. You'd miss it all.
    Thanks for sharing, it's all interesting.

    1. Yeah, but what about the pilot? Or are we going on hopes the ship can go without a pilot?

  3. I think we are going to have to go without a pilot because he wouldn't survive. Maybe they would use a blind person who couldn't see this strange visual perception. Then again, if we don't get NASA on the ball, we are going to be hit by the asteroid and dead anyway...

  4. So it wasn't just me. This video affects other people too?

  5. Super interesting read but avoided the video. Having bits of nausea without the speed of light, thought this would only induce certain disaster.

    1. You are a wise woman. I, on the other hand, am tempted to watch it again, just to verify it actually was the cause of my sea sickness. So far, I have resisted doing so.


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