Thursday, November 15, 2018

Arrival Titan by Liza O'Connor

Escaping imminent death
There were a great many people who didn’t want the colony of scientists to succeed. In fact, they concocted fifteen sabotages to prevent the team from reaching Titan. And due to some extraordinary efforts by the soldiers, the scientists, and the students, and their AI, all fifteen attempts to stop them failed.

The ship quantum leaped into the nearby space of Titan, only the captain of the ship intended to dump all the brilliant teens into space, and torture Colonel Lancaster to death. The remaining scientists and soldiers would have become slaves. 

 While the captain believed all the students and scientists were safely locked in their tiny rooms, the little bots quickly released them and lead them to the hold, where their animals were being kept. The scientists sent their little bots into ceiling ducts to locate the wiring for the main controls of the ship, so they could take control of the ship from the hold.

Then a bot was sent into the ceiling ducts searching for the scent of Colonel Lancaster. It quickly located the room Lancaster was lock in and unlocked his door. Then the bot moved ahead, checking for dangers, as it led him to the hold.
When Lancaster arrives in the hold, he discovers Scarlett, their fabulous AI, has taken control the ship and everyone not in the hold is taking a nap.

Arrival: Titan
Liza O’Connor


Captain Drake has his own agenda, and it doesn’t include Colonel Lancaster, or the students being alive for much longer. Fortunately, the scientists and students are a formidable group to go against. The attempted takeover is stopped with only one death.

When Scarlett lands the ship on the north pole near the methane lake, they discover several sentient life forms. They also learn that the moon, Pan, is actually a ship called the Death Star, mining minerals in the outer rings of Saturn. Even more shocking—Jupiter is not a planet, but a disguised ‘eye in the sky’ watching over the mining interests of a superior sentient planet.

Captain Caesar Drake pointed to a chair. “Strap in and avoid movement.” He then took his captain’s chair and spoke in his com unit. “Prepare for transport, at mark of ten.”

As the numbers counted down on the monitor, Drake glared at Lancaster. “Sorry, but you’re going to have to miss your court-marshal, because destiny awaits me.”

At the count of one, a bright light flashed before Lancaster. He held his breath waiting for reality to return. For a very long moment, he seemed to be in the same instant of time. Then with another flash of light, all seemed normal, except for the image before him.

On the monitor was Titan, a little over seven-hundred and fifty-nine thousand miles away from its massive, ringed planet, Saturn.

Titan, a moon most like early Earth, and now the future of mankind—if they could do what nature had done on its own to Earth. Otherwise, they would simply die here. But they had a chance, albeit slim, to succeed, and that was better odds than those left on Earth.

Given the brilliance of the scientists and kids that were in this ship, Colonel Lancaster believed it possible.

The captain wasted no time admiring their orange fuzzy home or the beauty of Saturn and her lovely rings. Instead, he engaged the engines and headed straight towards Titan. After three seconds, he disengaged the engines and let the ship continue on its own momentum.

“Will that be sufficient?” Colonel Lancaster asked.

His former friend and presently annoyed captain responded.
 “Are you capable of flying this ship?”

“No, I’m not. However, I do outrank you, so let’s not start a pissing war. Survival will require all of our brilliance. I just wanted you to share your thoughts with me, because you are now a part of this team…unless you had orders to return to Earth.”

Drake sighed. “No. This is a one-way journey. No do-overs. We, hopefully, will have sufficient fuel to search for an optimal landing spot. Otherwise, we’ll land where we can until your scientist can create some form of fuel that this ship can use. Fortunately, the gravity pull is quite mild here. So, we won’t need to waste fuel on landing if we land somewhere that allows for a long runway drift-down.

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Destination: Titan
Arrival: Titan
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