Sunday, May 6, 2018

Last 2 Days to grab Destination: Titan for 99 cents


For 99 cents
Destination: Titan will not be on sale again until 2019

Destination: Titan


With Earth destined for a new ice-age, seven scientists and twenty-two brilliant teenagers are gathered in a compound deep within a mountain. There they struggle to come together as a group and complete the projects needed for their survival in the inhospitable environment of Titan, one of Saturn’s moons.

However, certain factions on Earth have no intention of letting Project Einstein succeed. Keeping the group alive and productive is the hardest task Colonel Lancaster and his soldiers have ever had, but they are determined to succeed no matter how well the saboteurs have planned. The continuation of the human race depends upon it.

Arrival: Titan


Dangers continue even as the crew of soldiers, scientists, and brilliant teens quantum leap to space near Titan.

Captain Drake has his own agenda, and it doesn’t include Colonel Lancaster, or the students being alive for much longer. Fortunately, the scientists and students are a formidable group to go against. The attempted takeover is stopped with only one death.
When Scarlett lands the ship on the north pole near the methane lake, they discover several sentient life forms. In short time, they also learn that the moon, Pan, is actually a ship called the Death Star, mining minerals in the outer rings of Saturn. Even more shocking—Jupiter is not a planet either, but a disguised ‘eye in the sky’ watching over the mining interests of a superior sentient planet.

99 cents

Destination: Titan

Arrival: Titan

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